GOD of heaven and earth, GOD of Abraham, GOD of Isaac, GOD of Jacob, The Most High LORD and GOD, who saved the Israelites from captivity, beloved brothers and sisters in all the four (4) corners of the world, young and old, poor and rich, jobless and working ones, sick ones and in good health, troubled in life and non-troubled ones, may Our LORD and GOD visit you in all of your human needs and soul needs, may HIS Holy blessings upon blessings cover all of your undertakings day after day.

May whatever has troubled you in the past, be it at work, at home, in marriage, in all the social and spiritual life, be washed away from you all; children of His. Our Father, who made what we see and whatever we have never seen, who made the seas, the plains, the mountains, the blue skies, who made the millions of fishes, the millions of wild animals big and small, who made the giant galaxy, who made the beautiful thousands of stars, may HE transform your minds, souls and bodies to be like the stars in this new year 2016 till HE will call you and me, your family and clan, to heaven.

May this 2016 be a year of graces upon graces, breakthroughs and successes of GOD upon you all, children of GOD in this world. May HIS graces wipe away all the tears of soul and body you have had in life. May HIS blessings direct you anew, guide you all anew, and transform you anew; transform your souls, bodies and the whole family of yours, the whole clans and races. Day after day, year after year. May all circumstances of life go on well in your way, by GOD’s divine holy hands. May HIS holy angels direct and inspire you. beloved brothers and sisters of mine in our LORD and GOD.


Keep up, courage, go on, grow strong in faith as our ancestors in faith; Abraham, Moses, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Josephat, David, Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, and many others, as you will kindly read the book of Hebrews chapters 11, 12 and 13; you will see and get to love GOD by faith.

By loving GOD through prayers which uplift one’s faith, one becomes so close to GOD, as you kindly read the book of Kings (2 Kings 2:2-18). Kindly my beloved brothers and sisters love GOD and have faith in HIM as Elisha.

Padre Pio, is of our times, he did the same. Imagine, how much wonders did GOD work through his hands? Wonders beyond wonders, beyond human understanding and reasoning. May the most high LORD and GOD from now on - in your entire life - give you percentages upon percentages of loving and serving HIM in faith - as those above, and many others in the holy Bible.

Pope John Paul II, the most recent one: see how by prayers, gained faith so much, which helped him to fulfill GOD’s holy work to a very high dynamic level of evangelizing the whole world.

You and me, you and your beloved family, this 2016 may we pray the more, may we all love and serve GOD more dynamically, more closely, with steamed new faith in HIM through the intercessions of our holy MOTHER OF GOD (MOTHER MARY).


I kindly beg you all far and near, doubt no more.  GOD loves you, GOD knows you, GOD’S graces will help you along all the paths, day after day, so be more prayerful than ever before.  Deepen yourself in prayers, in adorations of Jesus in the BLESSED SACRAMENT OF THE ALTAR.  Deepen yourself and family in the daily ROSARIES.  Deepen yourself in personal meditations, deepen yourself in doing good upon good, be it in talking, in thinking, help the poor in spirituality, and give the encouragements in life to those you work with, those at home. Those you study with, those all who will see you walking and talking at any place, GOD has placed in this world, may they see a holy child of GOD, may they see a star of GOD in you, may they see a river of blessed waters in you, may they all find comfort in you, in your doings, in your talks, and in all around you be peace upon peace. Be joy upon joy, be hope upon hope.  May the heavenly calmnesses, humblenesses cover and stir your very being beloved brothers and sisters – worldwide.


As from this year 2016 make a high jump of spirituality, of prayerfulness in different prayers, different novenas. In the world today there are over 150 different novenas and as many as 30 are already on this avemaria website.  Jump high in them, meaning pray novenas after novenas.  Personally I have my own way of praying novenas for many years. The novena which is said in nine days I say it in one day, nine times for nine days, which means when others are making a full novena of nine (9) days my simple self I am already at 9x9 totaling to 81 novenas within 9 days.  Where do I get the time?  I reduce on my personal sleeping for heavenly prayers. And for me I go on to 365 days a year are all for novena prayers, which gives me 365x9 totaling to 3285 I make per year, and I do it year after year, till The Most High LORD and GOD will call me to heaven, which I am very sure to enter.

I kindly beg you all to do a very spiritual strong and sound go ahead as Jesus Himself  tells us in the book of Luke 13:1-6 that you and me we’ve got to change and as in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 6:1-25 which says we’ve got to love GOD with all of our hearts, our minds, and our souls, and all of our very self as human beings created by HIM The (I AM WHOM I AM)  Exodus 3:13-15.

According to The bible we read as to how much those in the past wholeheartedly HE overwhelmed them and their families and clans with endless blessings, as my brothers and sisters you can kindly read from these chapters 1. Deuteronomy 28:1-14 plus Leviticus 26:1-13 plus Isaiah 55:1-13 plus Isaiah 56:1-12 as well as the books of Exodus 14:1-31 as well as Exodus 15:1-27.

In the book of Exodus 14:1-31, servants of GOD see and admire our GOD’s kindnesses, goodnesses, and mightyship; GOD of the living, GOD of Abraham, Jacob and Elijah, the I AM WHOM I AM.


With all HIS love, and HIS mightyship may we mankind call HIM ABBA FATHER. May we trust HIM, may we mankind have no doubts in all HIS words in the whole Bible, in the teachings of our Holy Catholic Church.

Live as a catholic, talk as a catholic, think as a catholic, act as a true catholic, may all of your dreams and plannings be catholic, let your bloodstreams and veins be catholic, grow as a catholic, study as a catholic, get married as a catholic and marry as a catholic, get catholic children and teach them to love GOD wholeheartedly.

The very you, year round, be in love with GOD day after day. Die as a true catholic, get buried as a catholic and reach heaven as a catholic, where you and me and our beloved families, clans and races our Father ABBA FATHER is waiting for us all.

 Beloved ones all over the world starting by 2016 till GOD will call you to heaven grow strong in prayers, if you are close to the church, never miss the daily morning or midday or evening holy mass, which will cleanse you more and more, you and your beloved family and clan.

If at all you cannot attend the daily holy masses due to distances, then repay and build up the same on Sunday by attending more than one holy mass each Sunday and you will be blessed.


Beloved ones of GOD, humble ones of HIS, in your families or as an individual, never miss the daily rosaries be it of MOTHER MARY or of JESUS the divine mercy, and many other different rosaries, which are known to us mankind. They are there in catholic bookshops found in different countries; they are there on this avemaria website, also on the MONTFORT website and other catholic websites.

Beloved ones, search for them and say as many as The Most High LORD and GOD will allow you HIS time to do,  so get perfumed with prayers, fastings, good deeds, MEDITATIONS, and all of the acts of charity, covering all with extreme love of GOD daily; I beg to repeat -  covering all forms of prayers with extreme love upon love to our GOD and LORD daily.


Beloved ones, children of GOD, you and your family, me and all of you; the holy key and directions of how to love the more our GOD and our LORD, are found in different chapters within the Bible. I beg to point out a few of them, starting with the book of Sirach 1:1-29, 21:28, 24:1-31, 31:1-31 and 50:1-25. Plus the book of Wisdom 6:22-27, 7:1-30 and 8:1-21, majoring and centering so much with the soul’s efforts of the prayer of Wisdom which is found in the book of Wisdom 9:1-18. As you well know, King Solomon was a king of GOD’s nation Israel, but he felt he had no Wisdom to rule the people of GOD.  What he did?   He prayed, he begged, he knelt down, he begged for Wisdom.  You and me, you and your beloved families, seek Wisdom on a daily basis. Personally I do say the prayer of seeking Wisdom of Solomon 9:1-18.  I say it nine (9) times at a go daily. As to why? It is us mankind, you and me, who needs GOD’s holy Wisdom in order to know what pleases GOD our maker, our everything, our source of life, our source of blessings and graces, our Holy One ALPHA AND OMEGA.


For whom knows in all mankind and race, the chemical ingredients which HE mixed to create our blood?  Our human bones??  Who will ever know the ingredients HE our LORD and GOD used?  And still use as to MANUFACTURE tonnes of billions of litres of waters of all the seas, lakes, rivers and the rains HE gives us worldwide throughout life?  Who will ever know??  Who will ever dream of these divine Wisdoms?

Beloved one, beloved children of GOD, servants of GOD, who will ever know the ingredients our GOD and LORD used to make these few items below one after another - I beg to list a few among  other thousands.  Kindly think of them and do MEDITATIONS of their being, their good use for you and me, for generations after generations, and for years upon years, ever since HE our LORD and GOD did create them. Citing the first one, who upon us all mankind, who will ever know as to how long ago, which year and date, was the world created? Was it morning or noontime or night when our GOD and LORD created this world??  If you may know - tell the world. 

Where did our LORD and our GOD, get from the billions of tonnes upon tonnes of soil, stones, seeds of different plants, stars in the space; who knows the material HE made them from??

Beloved ones, people of GOD, my beloved brothers and my beloved sisters, who will ever know of all the INGREDIENTS our loving Most Holy LORD and GOD, maker of heaven and earth, used, and still uses, to keep the world going on with the rains, with the sunshine, with frosts, with tonnes and tonnes of ice e.g. in Iceland?  How many tonnes of sand are there in the world? In your country?

Servants of GOD, people of GOD, think of GOD, fear GOD, love GOD, dream of GOD, call upon GOD daily, share about the goodness of GOD with your family, in your office, in your school  ……

GOD, who is GOD, must and must be loved, adored, feared, respected at all times, with all of our human brains and with all of our souls.

                              Amen. Amen. Amen.


Beloved one of GOD, children of GOD, my beloved brothers and beloved sisters worldwide, I kindly beg you all to read the book of Job chapters 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42.

These above chapters will help you all and your beloved families to fear GOD, to love GOD the more within the years. GOD our GOD and LORD will grant you to live in this world.

Give yourself and your family members a lifetime heavenly gift, of searching and longing for GOD alone and alone, for the point is, beloved ones, however much you long for all the riches etc of this world, what will you go with on your deathbed??  Will your money, positions - etc - accompany you to Heaven? Will they be an advocate before GOD??

The correct and true answer to every one of us mankind is; naked we came, naked we shall depart this world. However sweet it may be, however rich we are, tall or short, black or brown, you or me, we all have to go to GOD before our maker, and stand before HIS Judgments.

Kindly beloved ones, before all this happens to you and me, may we all mankind wake up to be so prayerful, to be so GOD-fearing, to be sincere humble children of HIS and HIS alone.  Tell your very self that though you are in this world, you don’t belong to it, you and me, we are passing flowers, below 150 years we are gone, never and never to come back; we live once not twice.

Kindly read the book of Ecclesiastes 1:1-19, as well as the whole of chapter 2. Qoheleth says it so well, clearly, divinely and openly; vanity of vanities, all are vanity. Which person knows a rich man who has ever gone with his $billions? And who will ever do so years ahead? Though money is the media of buying and selling, let the money live for you, not you to live for it; meaning if it is there, fine, if it is not there, fine.  As to why I say so? Kindly read the book of Matthew 6:24-33 where our LORD JESUS says it so well that all we mankind should seek GOD first and we shall be blessed and be at peace.  For GOD will love us the more for we have feared, respected HIM and called HIM ABBA FATHER by our own understandings - which too, is a gift from HIM for the whole of you.  You are a total gift from HIM to yourself.

Die off loving HIM, serving HIM, at any given time, in prayers, in human actions, within your working place, within your business - don’t overcharge the children of GOD, for the sake of more profits. Always be kind to all mankind young or old, talk to them nicely, think of them in your prayers, get to be surrounded with goodness which GOD will add more and more on you. You will never be empty of HIS goodnesses.

My very self, I’ve done this for years and I am to do them the more, and out of doing good and talking good to GOD’s people, GOD our Father in Heaven has granted me over 200 million people of HIS worldwide to be my beloved brothers and sisters and dear friends. May HIS Holy Name be glorified in heaven and on earth.  Too to you, my beloved ones of GOD, may HE grant you more and more.

Brothers and sisters - wherever you are - beloved one of GOD, may we be one, while we are still here on earth. I am holding you all with your beloved families in my total daily prayers. Be blessed, be blessed beyond, beloved people of GOD, and be anointed in all undertakings of soul and body. I love you all, my brothers and sisters worldwide.

                                         Amen.  Amen.  Amen.